SHANDALI GoSweat Non-Slip Hot Yoga Towel with Super-Absorbent Soft Suede Microfiber in Many Colors, for Bikram Pilates and Yoga Mats.

  • EASY FABRIC CARE - Simply throw into the washing machine! Wash cold with like colors to prevent any color bleeding. Tumble dry low. For your health and safety, we don't use a chemical dye adherent.
  • USE WITH OR WITHOUT A YOGA MAT - Heading to the beach or a remote vacation? No need to pack your unwieldy yoga mat. All you need is a Shandali Yoga towel, and any location becomes a yoga studio. If you do have a mat, use the Shandali yoga towel to give your yoga posture a plush velvety feel that not only feels great, but also absorbs slippery sweat and makes your expensive mat last longer! It will be delivered via email immediately after purchase.
  • GET FIT AND STRONG: Yoga improves your muscle tone and fitness when you practice regularly. With a slippery sweat-free foundation you will have more confidence and more stability. In this way, the GoSweat Shandali Yoga Towel will help you achieve harder postures and more advanced techniques. By improve your yoga practice and confidence, you will soon notice marked improvements to your health and physical wellbeing.
  • PERFECT YOUR POSTURES: Using a yoga towel helps to create a solid, stable and sweat free foundation to practice on. Without the risk of slipping on sweat, you can stay focused and advance quickly in your asana practice. It takes a consistent foundation that you trust for the most productive development in yoga
  • KEEP HYGIENIC AND HEALTHY: Increase your confidence when using the studio's in-house mats by putting a hygienic layer between you and the mat. Bring your own clean yoga towel, place on top of the studio mat, and remove your worries about whose sweat and germs you'll be practicing on. No need to hurt your shoulders carrying your heavy yoga mat from home; just take your Shandali Yoga towel. It's lightweight, easy, personal, and fits nicely into your bag.
  • LIGHTEN YOUR LOAD WITH 488% LESS WEIGHT: Carrying your yoga mat to-and-from the studio can be a hassle. It's heavy, big, clunky, and doesn't easily fit inside your handbag. By getting in the habit of bringing your own personal yoga towel to class and using the studio's yoga mats, you can reduce your carrying weight by almost 500%. Stay light, quick, and care-free.

I found out that my hands are rather sweaty during my practice and because of this I was always being taken out of my element while I was in a position like downward dog. My friend recommended getting a towel for the top of my mat and after looking on Amazon it looked like this was the best choice and I am very glad that I went with this brand. I got the soft blue and the color is amazing, and true to the pictures and the material is great. It provides absorption and it does not slide on my mat. I am very happy with this purchase.

I've beat this thing up over 300+ hot yoga sessions and it's still perfect. Love it every time. The main 2 reasons I love it is it absorbs the sweat, and it's such a well made product, I can get into poses I normally never could because of the hyper accurate/focused texture that even a micro movement allows me to stay ultra focused. It's absolutely frickin wonderful. Rock it out on this towel. Namaste yogis.

I tried it today, very soft and not slippery at all! Highly recommend!

I do hot yoga most days of the week and have a several different mat towels, including a couple from Manduka. I thought I would miss the silicone nubs on the bottom, but I don't at all. It actually stays in place better than any other that I have. It's very absorbent, but my favorite part is how soft it is. When you rest your face on the mat its soothing. It's my favorite towel and much better priced than several others I have. I've been using it consistently for 8 months now and still highly recommend.

The towel works great. Very soft and very absorbent. No one sweats as much as I do in hot yoga, and the towel does its trick. The towel is a little slick (not too much to be a problem), but once you start sweating like a pig like I do, it takes care of this very minor issue. Worst case, a slight spritz with water will help, but I have never had to do that. The towel is the perfect size for a standard yoga mat. I highly recommend it. Cheap, works, easy to wash, and looks great.

This is my first Yoga towel and I love it so much! I don't do hot Yoga but I do tend to find myself sliding forward in my Yoga class or during home practice when I'm doing poses such as downward dog so I decided to invest in a towel. No more slipping !!! The towel is really soft and I was so glad that I went with this one instead of a really expensive one, it works just fine. I'm sure when I decide to go to another Hot Yoga class it will hold up great.

Since my initial review, I have purchased additional towels twice. Still happy with this product. I use this towel as my workout towel. I’m a woman and sweat quite heavily. This towel is absorbant and is a generous size. Reasonably priced, much cheaper than my Lulu Lemon one and I think it works just as well. It has an embossed decoration in one area of the towel which gives it a little glam. I am happy with my purchase.

I've taken a good amount of Hot Yoga classes have used both, the Manduka: Yogitoes Skidless towels, and the Gosweat by Shandali. Although I like both, I personally prefer this towel more than my Yogitoes one! It is extremely sticky, but ONLY when it's wet. I highly highly recommend you spray this towel down right before class so that you can get the most grip in down dog (where I can potentially slip the most). I've gotten to class with 2 minutes to spare a couple of times and didn't have time to spray down my towel, and have almost fallen flat on my face! This towel perfectly covers my Manduka Pro mat (a mat that is slightly larger than standard), which is why I picked this one out of the other mat towels on Amazon. I don't regret this purchase at all, and am definitely going to purchase this towel again in the future!

I love hot yoga and the best towel I found was the Yogitoes but it was crazy expensive and my hands still slipped on it towards the end of class when I was tired. I tried this towel and I like it! It is very sticky even dry and my hands and feet do not slip at all. I did read the reviews about people getting tangled up in the towel and I can see why... my Yogitoes would stretch on the mat in the warrior poses but when I moved out of them it would bounce back and if a wrinkle remained it would just take a flick with a foot to put it back. This towel also stretches in the warrior poses but it is so sticky that it sticks to the mat like that and doesn't bounce back. Thus it takes some effort to fix it. But the wet-er it gets the less it moves. By the end of class it was soaked and stuck to my mat like a second skin and did not move. It was like wallpaper! So to clarify, it moves a little on the mat when it is dry but sticks better the wetter it gets, however, it sticks to your hands and feet like glue no matter the moisture. I'm not stressed out by a wrinkle, as long as my feet aren't sliding away from my hands in down dog so this is definitely the towel for me. And added bonus, there are no little rubber feet on one side to create static in my dryer. Sooooo tired of unrolling my towel in yoga class only to realize I accidently brought a sock or a pair of underwear to class with me, embarrassing!

I sweat like a faucet at Hot Yoga Flow Class - so much so that it makes it almost impossible to hold positions without slipping, sorry I know its gross! Enter this yoga towel! It fits on my mat perfectly and soaks up all the sweat so I have sound footing for the entire class. I recently forgot mine at home for a class and I had to stop halfway through class because I was so unstable! This towel has made my practice more safe and enjoyable. If you have the same issues as me, please do yourself a favor and get one, or more! of these towels.
